• Question: how come there is no gravity in space

    Asked by EvelinaL to Sonia, Mossy, Bernard on 9 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Bernard

      Bernard answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      Gravity definitely exists in space.It’s what keeps the planets moving around the Sun.You just can’t see it.

    • Photo: Sonia Lenehan

      Sonia Lenehan answered on 10 Nov 2018:

      I am not exactly sure! I know that there is gravity around planets and stars because you need a mass for the gravity to be pulled towards. So I guess if you aren’t close enough to a star or a planet the gravity isnt being pulled and neither are you so you float!

    • Photo: Mossy

      Mossy answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      There is gravity in space. Gravity is everywhere. It’s just nothing is pulling you strong enough for you to feel it.
